That evening 27 house captains picked up over 850 volunteer t-shirts.
Honeywell hosted the 3rd and final house captain training meeting in preparation for the 2014 Rebuilding Day. That evening 27 house captains picked up over 850 volunteer t-shirts and their sponsor lawn signs.
Lee Seifert provided a Safety Training Presentation covering all the do’s and don’t for Rebuilding Day volunteers/teams. John Startt discussed the material’s ordering process. The house captains were instructed to pick up their materials at Kendall’s Hardware on April 24th. Ann Heavner discussed the paperwork required to include the volunteer waivers and homeowner satisfaction form. All paperwork and any receipts are to be mailed in by the deadline of May 2, 2014 in a self-addressed and stamped envelope provided to the house captains. Refreshments were served. Guy Silas, President of the board of Rebuilding Together Howard County thanked Honeywell for sponsoring all three house captain training sessions.