Ellicott City, Maryland— Rebuilding Together Howard County partnered with the Howard County Public School System to increase awareness of home repair services available to homeowners with limited incomes. The partnership was formalized with an official signing Wednesday, November 19 at the Sheraton Columbia Waterside Restaurant, 10207 Wincopin Circle.
Under the terms of the partnership agreement, Rebuilding Together will collaborate with the HCPSS Pupil Personnel Services and Academic Access and Achievement program offices to provide information to families who may be eligible for home repairs. Rebuilding Together representatives will also participate in various school events including Junior Interviews and Simulated Congressional Hearings. In line with Vision 2018, this partnership enhances services that support the well-being of students and families.

Howard County Board of Education Chairman Ellen Flynn Giles, Board Member Sandra French, HCPSS Chief of Staff Susan Mascaro, Pupil Support Services Coordinator Restia Whitaker and Elementary Black Student Achievement Program Specialist Patricia Branner-Pierce will join Rebuilding Together Howard County Board President Guy Silas and Executive Director Ann Heavner to sign the formal partnership agreement at the November 19 event.